
Below is a long list of blogs that I read or follow. Some bloggers post more resources, others are more reflective, but all are fantastic. I've highlighted the blogs that first got me into blogging and keep me coming back with the tag (First Read). Blogs that have a practically rich virtual filing cabnet are marked with (VFC). If you don't know where to start, try either of those.

If you're purely looking for resources or ideas on a specific topic, use the MTBoS Search Engine or the Problem Based Learning Search Engine. Both are google searches that are restricted to certain websites on the MTBoS.

Also, if you're looking for some of the websites and wiki's that I have been a part of, you'll find those in the resources section.

Approximately Normal

Challenge by Choice

Cheesemonkey Wonders

CLopen Mathdebater

Continuous Everywhere but Differentiable Nowhere (First Read)

Crazy in Math

Divisible by 3

dy/dan (First Read)

Easing the Hurry Syndrome

Emergent Math

Everybody is a Genius

f(t) (First Read)

Finding Ways (First Read)

Fishing 4 Tech

Five Triangles

I Speak Math

Infinite Sums

Math Teacher Mambo (First Read)

Math with Bad Drawings

Mathy McMatherson


Musing Mathematically

Overthinking My Teaching


Rational Expressions

Reason and Wonder

Robert Kaplinsky's Blog


Slam Dunk Math

Sweeney Math


Thinking Mathematics!

Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics

When Math Happens

Work in Pencil

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